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BETKOSOL Kick off Meeting

28 Gennaio, 2021 - 9:00 am - 4:30 pm

We would like to invite you to the digital Kick-off Meeting (January 28th 2021) of BETKOSOL (Better Knowledge for better Solutions), a research project under the Hercule III-program.
The main objective of BETKOSOL is to conduct a comparative analysis is to identify measures that would allow a better implementation of the current legislative framework and of the administrative and criminal procedures to prevent and combat fraud. This will be obtained while looking especially to the social, health and economic sectors, at both the EU and national levels (including regional and local institutions) and showing how legal contexts are changing because of the COVID-19 crisis. New transfers and investments will lead to new procedures and tools.




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Kickoff Meeting BETKOSOL on January 28 2021 @ 09:00

  • 9:00-9:10     Prof. Prof. Paola Severino  Welcome Address

    9:10-9:15     Prof. Gert Vermeulen          Welcome Address

    9:15-9:30     Prof. Aldo Sandulli              Introduction to the BETKOSOL Project


Panel 1 – 9:30-11:15

How to combat EU fraud?
From the EU funds to national management issues

9:30-9:45    Prof. Alexander De Becker

  • Introduction and Chair


9:45-10:05    Prof. Francesco Bilancia

  • MFF and Covid-19 crisis: more European resources for shared and supporting competences (Labour, Health and Industrial policies). What challenges?

10:05-10:45    Prof. Dr. Frederik Vandendriessche & Prof. Giacinto della Cananea

    • The importance of Member States’ administrative capacity in managing European funds for protecting the EU financial interest: what role for EU institutions along the indirect administration?


  • Discussion
MS Teams 28/01/2021 09:30 – 11:15 N\A
Panel 2 – 11:15-13:00

How to protect the EU and European citizens interests?
From EU institutions to European civil society

11:15-11:30    Prof. Yves Jorens    Introduction and Chair

11:30-11:50    Dr. Giovanni Kessler

  • Incidence of frauds across Europe: Criminal Law aspects in managing Eu resources at national and supranational level

11:50-12:10    Prof. Dr. Maurizia De Bellis

  • Methods for fighting frauds: European and National Institutions and Procedures

12:10-12:30    Prof. Gert Vermeulen

  • From the economic interest of the Union to the social interest of European citizens: fighting frauds on European funds to strengthen European society

12:30-13:00    Discussion

MS TEAMS 28/01/2021 11:15 – 13:00 N\A

Closing Section – Round Table – 15:00-16:30

Brain Storming: Current issues and Perspectives (new concepts and refinement of the existing ones, next steps)

15:00-15:15   Prof. Bernardo Giorgio Mattarella

  • Introduction and coordination


  • Round Table with European and National Institutions
MS TEAMS 28/01/2021 15:00 – 16:30 N\A

Registration here:


28 Gennaio, 2021
9:00 am - 4:30 pm
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