La proposta di riforma dell’articolo 92 della Costituzione e gli effetti conformativi sulla legge elettorale – M. Nardini
La proposta di riscrittura dell’articolo 92 della Costituzione contenuta nel disegno di legge di riforma costituzionale sul c.d. “premierato”, approvato dal Consiglio dei ministri del 3 novembre 2023 e oggetto di importanti modifiche durante l’esame in prima lettura al Senato della Repubblica concluso il 19 giugno 2024, contiene una serie di prescrizioni di cui la legislazione elettorale dovrà tenere conto.
Abstract: This paper analyzes the consequences on the electoral law of the so-called “elective premiership”. By focusing on the new Article 92 of the Constitution, the aim is to demonstrate that this new form of government cannot be compared to the regional one, so it should be possibile to adopt a national electoral law different from the “majority-assuring proportional system”. In this context, the current mixed electoral system (with part of seats allocated using a first-past-the-post rule and the rest using a proportional method) could be maintained; only the introduction of a majority bonus should be necessary in order to fulfill a majority in both the Houses, consistent with the objectives of the constitutional reform. Further considerations are provided on the seats to be assigned according to the first-past-the-post rule, which could be further strengthened in order to derive the majoritarian effect more from the parliamentary elections than the “elective premiership” mechanisms and, in this way, to mitigate the distorsive effects of the majority bonus.