L’ordine costituzionale della cybersecurity – A. Venanzoni
La digitalizzazione, processo sempre più esteso e capillare, ha prodotto un significativo impatto non soltanto sulle dinamiche di organizzazione degli apparati pubblici e del mondo aziendale ma più in generale sugli elementi costitutivi stessi dei diritti, delle libertà e della loro garanzia.
Abstract: The essay analyses how the regulatory and conceptual evolution of cybersecurity is affecting the structure of public powers, changing the very form of government. The efficient protection of the digital domain cannot in fact weaken the respect of rights and freedoms; for this very reason, the ways of guaranteeing citizens are becoming increasingly complex and articulated, between the protection of personal data, the respect of national sovereignty, and the guarantee of freedom in the face of the expansive power of large private entities. The ‘catalytic’ State represents the reticular evolution of this new arrangement.