Il disegno di legge costituzionale ad iniziativa governativa volto a introdurre il premierato. Considerazioni – S.E. Pizzorno
Il Governo ha recentemente presentato il disegno di legge n. 935 volto a riformare la Costituzione, introducendo il cosiddetto premierato, una formula che pone al centro del sistema il Capo dell’esecutivo, attribuendogli una netta preminenza sugli altri membri dell’esecutivo medesimo.
Abstract: This paper analyzes the critical points of the recent bill proposing the direct election of the Prime Minister. It focuses on the consequences of not reaching the necessary quorum for achieving the majority bonus and the roles of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister in the new system. It examines the opportunity to mantain the vote of confidence in the Government, deemed necessary, as well as the strenght of the commitment to the program outlined by the elected Prime Minister on the actions of the succeeding President. Finally, an alternative proposal is put forth as opposed to the one outlined in the bill.