Il divieto di invertire la marcia (c.d. reversal) nelle riforme PNRR già adottate: si chiarisce un altro elemento essenziale del nuovo “metodo di governo” – N. Lupo
Il rapporto della Commissione europea del 19 settembre 2023 sull’attuazione del Dispositivo di Ripresa e Resilienza offre un utile quadro aggiornato sullo “stato dell’arte” dei PNRR: sia sulle modifiche e integrazioni di tali Piani, incluso il “giro” legato a REPowerEU, sia sui pagamenti fin qui richiesti e ottenuti dagli Stati membri.
Abstract: The contribution analyses the mechanism of the so called “reversal” of reforms foreseen by the National Recovery and Resilience Plans and already considered as satisfactorily fulfilled by the European Commission (Article 24(3) of the RRF Regulation). In this case, as clarified by a Report issued on 19 September 2023 by the Commission, if a “reversal” is spotted, after a dialogic procedure with the concerned Member State, this will determine a suspension of the payment of all RRF funds and, if no action is taken within six months, also in a reduction of already made payments. After quoting an example related to the implementation of the Italian Plan in which, soon after the installation of the Meloni government, a risk of reversal was avoided (concerning the obligation to accept electronic payment, independently from the amount of the transaction), some advantages and disadvantages of the mechanism are highlighted, also with respect to democratic dynamics, and inserted within the new method of government designed by the Recovery and Resilience Facility.