Il divario digitale nel PNRR: la garanzia del diritto sociale di accesso ad Internet – E. Cocchiara
Fra i problemi che impediscono all’Unione europea, al di là di divergenze ideologiche e politiche contingenti, di assurgere finalmente ad una unione di comunità coesa e capace di avere una unica voce sul piano internazionale, vi sono rilevanti divari sul piano economico, infrastrutturale e culturale.
Abstract: The issue of the digital divide goes back further than we think, but it has been emphasised by the pandemic crisis that has forced the digitalisation of human relations. This has prompted a renewed discussion of the right of access to the Internet as a social right, as it affects the protection of several constitutional rights that are now also increasingly linked to the online dimension. However, social rights entail a new economic burden for the state, which has to deal with tight financial constraints. In the current historical context, the required funds to overcome these inequalities can be partly addressed by the extraordinary instrument of European solidarity constituted by the funds from the Next Generation EU plan.