Sovranità tecnologica: intelligenza artificiale e valori costituzionali – V. Corneli
L’innovazione tecnologica – con i più recenti sviluppi relativi ai sistemi di intelligenza artificiale – può a tutti gli effetti essere considerata una “quarta rivoluzione industriale”, che inciderà in maniera crescente non solo sulle nostre società, ma anche sulle economie dei singoli Paesi e sugli equilibri geopolitici del mondo.
Abstract: In the complex transition we are currently undergoing (pandemic, war, climate change), extraordinary technological innovations are also underway. The approach to them must be multidisciplinary. On closer inspection, the potential of these systems is enormous; if used correctly, they could significantly increase collective well-being. On the other hand, the risks are also enormous, so much so that some even question the very survival of mankind. What is certain is that these systems, and the relationship between them and human beings, bring out unprecedented legal problems that also impact on the rule of law and on constitutional balances. Member States – or, better said, Europe as a whole – should play a central role on the international scene, creating a “democratically” sustainable model of artificial intelligence. Adequate regulation is needed, which guides the development of AI according to the principles and values that distinguish the history and legal culture of our continent. Finally, “sovereignty” should remain in the hands of the public, and not be left at the mercy of private operators.