Il deputato espulso dal gruppo ancora alla ricerca del proprio giudice – S. Curreri
La sentenza depositata lo scorso 12 gennaio con cui il Consiglio di giurisdizione della Camera dei deputati ha dichiarato inammissibili i ricorsi presentati da tre deputate espulse dal gruppo parlamentare del MoVimento 5 Stelle per aver votato contro la mozione di fiducia al Governo Draghi costituisce l’ennesima tappa della ricerca di quale sia il giudice competente su tali controversie.
A recent sentence by the Chamber’s Council of Jurisdiction has once again declared inadmissible the appeal filed by some expelled MPs against their (former) parliamentary group. The paper takes this ruling as a starting point to reflect on the judicial protection of the rights of MPs within their political groups, whose internal democracy is often a matter of debate, also considering the divergent orientation of the similar appellate court of the Senate. The A. argues for the need to introduce monitoring on the democratic nature of the groups’ internal statutes both in advance (by the Speaker of the Assembly) and subsequently by specially established parliamentary bodies. Otherwise, the expelled MP could appeal to the Constitutional Court in conflict of attributions. This occurs because of the substantial denial and obvious impairment of his prerogatives due to the continuing absence of any activity to verify the constitutionality and the democratic nature of the statutes of political groups.
Parliament; political groups; MP; statutes of political group; expulsion